Tuesday March 30, 2010

In my ongoing mission to continue stretching the gray matter, I intend to read a new book a week and then write a review on it.
The books will be fiction and will include new recent titles as well as a few classics that can not be ignored. (If it's a large book then I'll complete the review in two weeks.)

As I go along, I will update the website as to my status each step of the way.

The reason behind this is to promote reading and to endorse books that are not only entertaining, but also contain a valuable message. Reading is important and a pastime that I am fearful will disappear.

By reading an interesting review, it can rekindle the interest in books and the amazing world(s) within their pages. There can be a lot to be learned in books and by reading.
Imagination and the ability to learn through reading is a gift that is too vital to lose!

If anyone has an idea for a book that they would like to know about or would appreciate a review on, maybe to determine if it's of interest to you, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Please e-mail me at: jdhmar@gmail.com



From time to time, as I update this website, I will make mention of interesting websites or articles that I have come upon, to share with you. My first one, that I am compelled to talk about is www.30chickflicks.com. The idea behind it is amazingly simple but beautifully refreshing, a husband looking to understand his wife by watching a chick flick every night for 30 days. After that, how could you not have a deeper understanding and love for your wife? It almost puts us all to shame if we don’t do the same!
I am.
I was so impressed that I have started to follow it as well. The first movie I watched with my wife was ‘Bridges over Madison County’ and now, tonight, I am planning ‘Two Weeks Notice.’
My wife is enjoying this so much, I’m already seeing the benefits and I’m only on my second movie!
I recommend this for every husband out there and encourage you to visit the official website for more information.
You won’t regret it!
It's also given me an idea for a book for my reading list.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
Thanks 30chickflicks!

I am now on my fifth movie, and I need to choose tonight's movie. Julie and Julia the other night was a gem! Last night was Bridget Jones Diary 1&2, both in one night!
Hats off to 30Chickflicks!

We decided on Runaway Bride for our movie night last night. It wasn't too bad, tonight is a toss up between 'Almost Heaven' or Legally Blonde 2. It's definitely going to be a Reese Witherspoon night, either way! Whichever one we don't watch, we will see tomorrow!!

About Me


1. Altar of Eden by James Rollins
2. Under the Dome by Stephen King
3. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen